Will Ireland Benefit from Game of Thrones writer-producers deal with Netflix?

Will Ireland Benefit from Game of Thrones writer-producers deal with Netflix?
Will Ireland Benefit from Game of Thrones writer-producers deal with Netflix?

It’s fair to stay Northern Ireland and the Island of Ireland has not done to bad out of Game of Thrones, like it or not it has created millions in terms of economic development and PR/Marketing for the Island.

According to reports in the media, David Benioff and DB Weiss have signed a deal with Netflix that could be as much as €179m.

In a statement they have said: “Netflix has built something astounding and unprecedented, and we’re honoured they invited us to join them,”.

It is not known what projects they may be working on, but Ireland could benefit from the relationship both parties already have with Disney, as both are contracted to Disney’s Lucasfilm to develop a new Star Wars trilogy.

Let’s hope Tourism Ireland continue to wave Euro’s in front of writer-producers like these two, in the hope future productions come to the Island.