Small Businesses on the Island of Ireland to struggle – Leaked Irish Government Report predicts

Leaked Irish Report suggests Brexit Concerns
Leaked Irish Report suggests Brexit Concerns

With only two months to go there is more concern for Irish Businesses and Brands operating on both sides of the border. A leaked Irish Government report suggests the post Brexit Irish border is going to create major headaches for business, especially smaller companies.

Significantly the report suggests that there may be concerns over any technological solution.

The Guardian News Paper has seen the report and it suggests the report will “ring alarm bells”

It’s already hard enough for companies on the Island of Ireland to predict what impact Brexit is going to have on their sales and marketing strategies, never mind what organisational structuring companies are going to have to do to cope with all the different variables.

The report is marked “official-sensitive” and was prepared for the EU Exit Negotiations Board. It’s findings detail all advisory groups informing the government on the Northern Irish border are being kept deliberately under wraps to try to avoid hampering Britain’s intended renegotiation of the backstop agreed to by Theresa May

To read more please go to the Guardian Website: