Brexit has cost one in ten Irish business exporters over €100k to date

Brexit has cost one in ten Irish business exporters over €100k

A survey of Enterprise Ireland client companies attending International Markets Week finds that 53% of companies say that Brexit has had an impact to...
400 Uber marketing staff given the car-boot.

400 Uber marketing staff given the car-boot

Uber has got rid of 400 of their 1,200-marketing staff yesterday. It is not sure what impact that will have on their...
Russians back off after Irish fishermen vow to disrupt war games

CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan Raising Ireland’s Profile Single-handedly

It couldn't be said enough, but it is very fair to say that CNN's Donie O'Sullivan has done more to raise the...

No-deal Brexit would be a disaster for both consumers and retailers around Northern Ireland

Helen Dickinson OBE, Chief Executive of the British Retail Consortium, said: ALTERNATIVE ARRANGEMENTS COMMISSION PLANS "FALL SHORT OF A...
Stormont chiefs plan £750,000 ad campaign on no-deal Brexit

Brexit is coming…Take comfort as we don’t know what to do either – NI...

Northern Ireland civil servants have planned a £750,000 advertising tender to support a public information campaign in case of a no-deal Brexit.
Can advertising really change the perception of paramilitaries?

Can advertising really change the perception of paramilitaries?

Can advertising really change the perception of paramilitaries?
Another food and drink initiative from Tourism Northern Ireland – Will all the marketing effort leave a sweet or sour taste?

Another food and drink initiative from Tourism Northern Ireland – Will all the marketing...

Another food and drink initiative from Tourism Northern Ireland – Will all the marketing effort leave a sweet or sour taste?

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Iconic Brands In Ireland

Ireland, with its rich history and thriving economy, is home to several iconic brands that have not only made a significant impact...

Marketing in Ireland

Marketing in Ireland is a dynamic and evolving landscape that reflects the country's economic growth and increasing globalization. With a strong emphasis...
NFL Matches In Ireland

NFL Steelers awarded marketing rights in Ireland

The NFL is expanding its international market to Ireland. NFL Games played in other countries is an extremely popular and profitable venture...