Facebook to help customers command user devices…using the power of though – Irish men should be worried lol

Facebook looking to help customer command user devices..using the power of though – Irish men should be worried lol
Facebook looking to help customer command user devices..using the power of though – Irish men should be worried lol

Facebook has bought a startup CTRL-labs, that will use thought control to help manage Facebook products – media reports suggest they paid over $500 million.

We can only imagine that men across Ireland will definitely be worried in the future about their brain power and focus levels when using FB…to be fair women are equally as bad these day.

Instead of taps, swipes and keystrokes, Irish Facebook users in the future may be able to use the power of their mind.

We can see it now:

  • ‘Like Post Facebook’….
  • ‘Wow, who’s that, they are well fit’ – Friend Request sent.
  • Oh f#k…I didn’t want that to happen.
  • Wink sent’ – Oh f#k again, the other half might see that.
  • ‘Partner deleted off Facebook’ – I didn’t mean to do that….damn you stupid brain.

Legal Submisson to FB – ‘Thought Reading tech destroyed my relationship’ lol

According to Andrew Bosworth, vice president of augmented and virtual reality at Facebook – “We know there are more natural, intuitive ways to interact with devices and technology,… we want to build them. The vision for this work is a wristband that lets people control their devices as a natural extension of movement.”

We don’t image this type of tech will be very practical for the adult website fans amongst you lol

Mr Bosworth explained that the wristband will decode electrical impulses such as those sent to hand muscles telling them to move certain ways, such as clicking a computer mouse or pressing a button.

“It captures your intention so you can share a photo with a friend using an imperceptible movement or just by, well, intending to,” Mr Bosworth said.”Technology like this has the potential to open up new creative possibilities and reimagine 19th century inventions in a 21st century world.”

Such technology could for example let people fire off text messages or emails by thinking, instead of needing to interrupt what they are doing to use smartphone touchscreens.

Once the new tech is put in place comedians across Ireland will have new content for years. But to be fair it could make a massive impact to those who have restricted mobility and specialist care needs…hopefully it could open up more communication opportunities for them.

Regardless, it will be interesting to see how Facebook market the new tech and services.


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