Enterprise Ireland’s Competitive Start Fund issues a final call

Final Call for Enterprise Ireland's Competitive Start Fund to accelerate the growth of your start-up
Final Call for Enterprise Ireland's Competitive Start Fund to accelerate the growth of your start-up Picture Credit - Shane O'Neill, SON Photographic.

Enterprise Ireland’s final Competitive Start Fund (CSF) of 2019 will open to all sectors for applications on Tuesday, September 24th next. The €750,000 fund will provide up to €50,000 in equity funding for up to 15 successful applicants. The fund closes to applications at 3pm on Tuesday, 8th October 2019.

Ambitious entrepreneurs (As apposed to unabmitious Entrpreneurs) and start-ups with an innovative product set for global markets are urged to apply

The All Sector Competitive Start Fund is part of Enterprise Ireland’s strategy for increasing the number of High Potential Start-Up companies (HPSUs) that have the qualities to achieve key commercial and technical milestones, including evaluating overseas market opportunities, building prototypes, developing market entry plans and securing third party investment.

Individual entrepreneurs, early stage companies or prospective businesses that are active in the manufacturing and internationally traded services sectors are being encouraged to apply. Those operating within subsectors such as Internet, Games, Apps, Mobile, SaaS, Cloud Computing, Enterprise Software, Lifesciences, Cleantech and Industrial Products are also eligible.

Full details on the All Sectors Competitive Start Fund, including the application form and eligibility criteria, can be accessed on the Enterprise Ireland website: www.enterprise-ireland.com/CSFAllSectors