Sod Plumbing Mammy, I want to be a YouTuber

Sod Plumbing Mammy, I want to be a YouTuber

So your kid comes to you and says they want to be a YouTuber and you haven’t a clue what to think,...
"Put your mouth to the bloody phone mic will ya" - Radio Show irritations

“Put your mouth to the bloody phone mic will ya” – Radio Show irritations

"Put your mouth to the bloody phone mic will ya" - Radio Show irritations
Statement from Drinks Ireland on advertising measures in the Alcohol Act being introduced

Statement from Drinks Ireland on advertising measures in the Alcohol Act being introduced

Statement from Drinks Ireland on advertising measures in the Alcohol Act being introduced
How not to take a bite out of your brand

€7,500 For a burger and fries* – How not to take a bite out...

How not to take a bite out of your brand - If ya ever needed to remind your staff that their actions...

No-deal Brexit would be a disaster for both consumers and retailers around Northern Ireland

Helen Dickinson OBE, Chief Executive of the British Retail Consortium, said: ALTERNATIVE ARRANGEMENTS COMMISSION PLANS "FALL SHORT OF A...
Are too many Irish businesses marketing strategies unprepared for ‘No Deal Brexit’?

Are too many Irish Businesses marketing strategies, unprepared for ‘No Deal Brexit’?

InterTradeIreland’s latest all-Island Business Monitor (Q2 2019) suggests 40% of companies across the island of Ireland are reporting growth, despite impending Brexit concerns.
Irish Data Protection Commission

Irish Data Protection Commission reflects on the first year of the GDPR

Commissioner for Data Protection, Helen Dixon, today marked the first anniversary of the application of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by...
Fionnán Sheahan steps down amid shake-up

Independent News and Media editor-in-chief Fionnán Sheahan steps down amid shake-up

Independent News and Media editor-in-chief Fionnán Sheahan steps down amid shake-up
Nuala Moore and her training buddy, Fungie. Nuala is an extreme swimmer - Image Credit Nuala Moore

Fungie, Ireland’s Loveable Dolphin

One of Ireland’s most unique attractions and a tourism marketer’s dream, Fungie the Dolphin is now missing for 8 days….and sadly things are not...
Investing in Irish Football can only be a great marketing exercise

Investing in Irish Football can only be a great marketing exercise

We have always wondered why some of the Global football financial powers never take a closer look at investing in more Irish...

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Catering Jobs at risk within Aer Lingus

Iconic Brands In Ireland

Ireland, with its rich history and thriving economy, is home to several iconic brands that have not only made a significant impact...

Marketing in Ireland

Marketing in Ireland is a dynamic and evolving landscape that reflects the country's economic growth and increasing globalization. With a strong emphasis...
NFL Matches In Ireland

NFL Steelers awarded marketing rights in Ireland

The NFL is expanding its international market to Ireland. NFL Games played in other countries is an extremely popular and profitable venture...