Catering Jobs at risk within Aer Lingus

Iconic Brands In Ireland

Ireland, with its rich history and thriving economy, is home to several iconic brands that have not only made a significant impact...
Branding the Brexit Plan, Operation Yellowhammer

Is Timmy Mallet the man behind the ‘Yellowhammer’ report :)

Branding the Brexit Plan, Operation Yellowhammer, gives us the perception that Timmy Mallet is co-ordinating the No Deal Brexit plans….and to be fair he could...
Why is Green the new Black?

What happened to Celebrating the Green?

“Wait Mary, I have another great idea, we could market the 12th of July in Belfast to tourists in a similar way…....
Northern Ireland to be Showcased to New Global Audience

Northern Ireland Showcased to Sales teams from across the world this week

Sales teams from across the world visited Northern Ireland this week (18-23 August) to visit key tourism attractions and experience the best...

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Catering Jobs at risk within Aer Lingus

Iconic Brands In Ireland

Ireland, with its rich history and thriving economy, is home to several iconic brands that have not only made a significant impact...

Marketing in Ireland

Marketing in Ireland is a dynamic and evolving landscape that reflects the country's economic growth and increasing globalization. With a strong emphasis...
NFL Matches In Ireland

NFL Steelers awarded marketing rights in Ireland

The NFL is expanding its international market to Ireland. NFL Games played in other countries is an extremely popular and profitable venture...