Marketing campaign 'Make it Belfast' to help development of Belfast City Centre after Primark Fire

£300,000 Marketing campaign to ‘Make it Belfast’

Marketing campaign 'Make it Belfast' to help development of Belfast City Centre after Primark Fire
Catering Jobs at risk within Aer Lingus

Iconic Brands In Ireland

Ireland, with its rich history and thriving economy, is home to several iconic brands that have not only made a significant impact...
New Irish Media Brand

Mediahuis Ireland the new brand for Independent News and Media

Confirmed Irish Media reports are stating that Independent News and Media is to rebrand to Mediahuis Ireland from mid-May. The new brand identity comes two...

Not too much being said by Tourism Ireland in terms of real Guidance on...

We think they should focus on protecting Ireland’s Tourism ‘Characters’ - Like your woman in the photo standing outside a cave.
Branding the Brexit Plan, Operation Yellowhammer

Is Timmy Mallet the man behind the ‘Yellowhammer’ report :)

Branding the Brexit Plan, Operation Yellowhammer, gives us the perception that Timmy Mallet is co-ordinating the No Deal Brexit plans….and to be fair he could...
Island of Ireland Tourism Marketing strategy condemned - Peter Robinson

Island of Ireland Tourism Marketing strategy condemned by First Minister of Northern Ireland

With Brexit pending many tourism operators on the Island of Ireland are curious about how the relationship between the UK and Irish governments will...
Be more like Daniel - Copyright 2020 Marketing In Ireland - LAAE Ltd

Be More Like Daniel and less of a Prick

President Trump is about to lose the US Presidential Election and you can't help think that if he had not been such...

Game of Thrones Author gives Northern Ireland Tourism boost.

Tourism Ireland has created a new promotional video – fronted by George R.R. Martin Game of Thrones to help attract more...
Incorrectly labelled beef product withdrawn from sale in Centra Stores

Incorrectly labelled beef product withdrawn from sale in Centra Stores

Incorrectly labelled beef product withdrawn from sale in Centra Stores
Controversy forces a change for owners of - Image Credit AIB Bank

Controversy forces a change for owners of

MAXIMUM MEDIA FOUNDER Niall McGarry has stepped down from all executive responsibilities of its Irish businesses. No doubt this will be very embarrassing for...

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Catering Jobs at risk within Aer Lingus

Iconic Brands In Ireland

Ireland, with its rich history and thriving economy, is home to several iconic brands that have not only made a significant impact...

Marketing in Ireland

Marketing in Ireland is a dynamic and evolving landscape that reflects the country's economic growth and increasing globalization. With a strong emphasis...
NFL Matches In Ireland

NFL Steelers awarded marketing rights in Ireland

The NFL is expanding its international market to Ireland. NFL Games played in other countries is an extremely popular and profitable venture...