Google does not have to implement the right to be forgotten globally.

Google does not have to implement the right to be forgotten globally.

Google does not have to implement the right to be forgotten globally.
Thomas Cook set to go into administration - Irish Consumers impacted

Thomas Cook set to go into administration

Thomas Cook set to go into administration - Irish Consumers to be impacted
Only on the Island of Ireland would selling a bag of Tayto crisps land ya in court.

Only on the Island of Ireland would selling a bag of Tayto crisps land...

Only on the Island of Ireland would selling a bag of Tayto crisps land ya in court.
Burger King will no longer give away plastic toys with children's meals, amid pressure to reduce plastic waste.

Decommissioned Burger King plastic toys to be taken out of use

It's all over the media today that Burger King will no longer give away plastic marketing toys with children's meals, amid pressure...
The 2020 European Capital of Culture in Galway will be launched in the city this eventing

The 2020 European Capital of Culture in Galway will be launched in the city...

Details will be announced at a public event in Eyre Square, where people will be given copies of the cultural programme, following...
Facebook to setup oversight board

Facebook to setup oversight board

Facebook whose EMEA headquarters are in Dublin has unveiled its plan to create an independent "oversight" board to make decisions over how...
Final Call for Enterprise Ireland's Competitive Start Fund to accelerate the growth of your start-up

Enterprise Ireland’s Competitive Start Fund issues a final call

Final Call for Enterprise Ireland's Competitive Start Fund to accelerate the growth of your start-up
Sod Plumbing Mammy, I want to be a YouTuber

Sod Plumbing Mammy, I want to be a YouTuber

So your kid comes to you and says they want to be a YouTuber and you haven’t a clue what to think,...
Health Care Recruitment under pressure in Ireland

Health Care Recruitment under pressure in Ireland

Health Care recruitment and marketing is about to get very interesting what ever way Brexit pans out. According to the...
84% of Irish mobile phone users now have a smartphone

84% of Irish mobile phone users now have a smartphone

If ever you needed more reason to review your mobile marketing strategy then now is the time. ComReg has complied...

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Iconic Brands In Ireland

Ireland, with its rich history and thriving economy, is home to several iconic brands that have not only made a significant impact...

Marketing in Ireland

Marketing in Ireland is a dynamic and evolving landscape that reflects the country's economic growth and increasing globalization. With a strong emphasis...
NFL Matches In Ireland

NFL Steelers awarded marketing rights in Ireland

The NFL is expanding its international market to Ireland. NFL Games played in other countries is an extremely popular and profitable venture...