Be More Like Daniel and less of a Prick
President Trump is about to lose the US Presidential Election and you can't help think that if he had not been such...
Irish President criticises ‘abuse of advertising’ in relation to baby formula
Marketing impacts and influences all of us, but there are boundaries that we should all be aware of, boundaries that our Irish...
CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan Raising Ireland’s Profile Single-handedly
It couldn't be said enough, but it is very fair to say that CNN's Donie O'Sullivan has done more to raise the...
Fungie, Ireland’s Loveable Dolphin
of Ireland’s most unique attractions and a tourism marketer’s dream, Fungie the
Dolphin is now missing for 8 days….and sadly things are not...
Statement from Drinks Ireland on advertising measures in the Alcohol Act being introduced
Statement from Drinks Ireland on advertising measures in the Alcohol Act being introduced
Will it be ‘Fill your heart” or “Empty your wallet” with Ireland ?
Tourism Ireland launched details of its new three-year strategy for 2020-2022 this week and its marketing plans to promote the Island of...
Horror of Sligo’s past inspired the novel Dracula
Horrors of Sligo's past inspired the novel Dracula
Not too much being said by Tourism Ireland in terms of real Guidance on...
We think they should focus on protecting Ireland’s Tourism ‘Characters’ - Like your woman in the photo standing outside a cave.
Wrightbus Brand Management – Not in Service
The family which owned Wrightbus have denied they acted unreasonably during attempts to sell the business.
Never mind Brexit – Spud Fest 2019 has been cancelled
As if things couldn't get more stressful today, when trying to consider what Marketing news our readers need updated on, we found...